The American South in the 19th Century
Maps about the American South in the 19th Century, especially about cotton and slavery. Created as a supplement to a class hosted on October 21st, 2020 by my friend, Jan van Eck. The presentation was led by Steven Mintz of the University of Texas at Austin. The first map, however, is of Africa and was featured in a book called "America in 100 Maps" by Susan Schulten; it is a British map highlighting the extreme competition between the British and other countries over slave trading. My other favorite maps are Lincoln's slavery map from 1861 and the Armour map of commodities across the US, as well as the Reynold's 1856 map of the divided nature of the country in 1856, which features telling statistics about population of whites and slaves. Resources:* See stats about slavery and the south here.* Steven Mintz of the University of Texas at Austin. * Interview of Sven Beckert, regarded as "the" author of the book on cotton, by Christopher Lydon on Open Source* Wikipedia entry on "cotton mills"* Episode 2 of the New York Times podcast "1619" starting at around 7:30.* van Eck course outlineTom Paper 11/1/2020