Visit to De Young - SRP + TMP - 3/16/24
Transcription of Voice Note: So I went to the de Young with Sarah on March 16th and had a great time. Uh, my favorite pieces. We went to the de Young Sculpture Garden and then we went inside. And my favorite pieces in the Sculpture Garden were the waterworks piece. Um, the, that's a number three. Uh, number five, uh, was a sculpture by a guy named Robert Arneson of a head and war and it's intense.I, I really liked the James Turrell, the light space. That was fun. And when we went into the museum, we saw the dress that Eleanor has. Uh, with Mao on it, that's number 23. And then also, uh, the Trompe l'Oeil, I think is, I'm not sure exactly how you pronounce that, Trompe l'Oeil. Uh, there was a whole room dedicated to that.Uh, and one of the pieces was of fish, and that was number 28. And what I love about it is there's a reference to a piece done by, uh, Ioannis Galle, um, and Peter Bruegel and Hieronymus Bosch also did these fish eating other fish and then being opened up. Uh, but I think my favorite part of the whole, uh, experience is on page 34.It's hanging out with Sarah.