Illustrations of Syphilitic Disease -1852
Philippe Ricord (1800-1889) was a French physician and specialist on venereal diseases[1] [2]. He was surgeon in chief to the hospital for venereal diseases and to the Hôpital du Midi[2]. Ricord won a worldwide reputation in his special field and was considered a true master in the field of STD[3] [4]. He was born in Baltimore to French parents who escaped arrest by coming to America as political refugees near the end of the French Revolution[5]. Ricord's contributions to the field of STD include suggestions on the cure of varicocele and on the operation of urethroplasty[2]"Illustrations of Syphilitic Disease" is a book by Philip Ricord that was originally written in French and translated into English by Thomas F. Betton[1][2][3][4]. The book contains 50 large quarto plates with 117 colored illustrations of syphilitic disease. It also includes a history of syphilis and a complete bibliography and formulary of remedies collated and arranged by Paul B. Goddard[1][2][4]. The book was first published in 1852[4]and has been reprinted in recent years[5].keyword: medhist, 19thCentury