The de Young Open 2023
The de Young Open is a juried art exhibition that celebrates and supports the local arts communities of the nine Bay Area counties surrounding San Francisco245. The exhibition is held at the de Young Museum, which is a fine arts museum located in Golden Gate Park, San Francisco1. The de Young Open is a triennial exhibit that invites submissions from local artists via open call for review by a jury composed of both Bay Area artists and Fine Arts Museums’ curators4. The artworks are hung “salon style,” installed nearly edge to edge and floor to ceiling, maximizing the number of works displayed25. The exhibition allows artists to offer their works for sale and retain the proceeds, and the Fine Arts Museums acquire a selection of artworks from the exhibition for their permanent collection25. The de Young Open is designed to illustrate the diversity and creativity of local artists from all nine Bay Area counties, and it is partly meant to support artists financially6. The exhibition features artworks grouped by theme, such as political and social issues, the urban environment, the human figure, nature, abstraction, and surreal imagery5.