Thank You, David Rumsey
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San Francisco, by Harrison Godwin, 1927
“Unlike many other antique maps of San Francisco, this one is covered in illustrations highlighting points of interest and historical events. The streets are essentially the same and they’re all labeled well enough that you can see if your apartment used to be a cemetery, a slaughterhouse, or an old railroad car barn. The map was originally mass-produced for tourists and I’ve seen a few different copies online. One was found in the forgotten depths of someone’s closet in 2011, and a Redditor mentioned in the comment thread that they had an original framed copy on their wall at home. In 2012, a copy of the map sold on eBay for $1,400.” The Bold Italic
“Harrison Godwin (1899 - 1984) was an American cartoonist and hotelier active in California during the early to middle parts of the 20th century. Harrison was a cartoonist with the Los Angeles Examiner and published two daily strips. With regard to cartographic material he published just three maps, San Francisco, Hollywood and North America, all between the years of 1927 and 1929. The San Francisco and Hollywood maps were first and second maps in a planned series of American cities, each taking some three months to complete. Curiously, no further maps in the series materialized. In addition to his cartoon work Harrison, in partnership with his brother Fred, owned Carmel's La Playa Hotel, where Harrison worked as a manager. Harrison and Fred Godwin and are credited with popularizing Carmel as a tourist destination. Little else is known of his life.”
1903 Soil Map of the Connecticut River Valley - Jake Padilla
Quinn Vernon's Map of Alaska (1931) - Logan Valkama
Map of Middle Earth - Nathan Rodi
This is an Italian rendition of Tolkien's Middle Earth from Lord of the Rings published in 1979. Some of the names of the landmarks are in Italian so the Italian readers can interpret this fantasy world. La Carta della Terra di Mezzo (Il Signore degli Anelli) - David Rumsey Historical Map Collection
Metro transit works & fun map — Christopher Hughes
Sightseeing guide to Baltimore and Annapolis - 1956 - Shell Oil Company - Wyatt Cotton
1524 Map of Tenochtitlan and the Gulf of Mexico - Aidan Spellacy-Urken
Aerial View of Lower Manhattan - Minnie Pozefsky
Hi! My name is Minnie Pozefsky and I’m a sophomore at Williams studying Chemistry and History.
I love the way this map shows such a detailed, three-dimensional view of the city. The green spaces are emphasized and the depiction of each specific building is so intricate. I also found it really interesting how there is barely any text on the map- it encourages the viewer to think about how the line between mapping and artwork is blurry.
Thank you so much for taking the time to come speak to our class! I have really enjoyed looking through and analyzing many of the maps in your collection- thank you for making this available to us and to the rest of the world!

Map 8. 1776 - Emma Willard - 1842 - Lucy Everett
- My name is Lucy. I am studying economics and public health.
- I like this map because it taught me about Emma Willard, an important figure for women’s education. I was also reminded that maps can be made of history for the sole purpose of teaching.
- Thank you David Rumsey for your continued generosity, curiosity, and artistic drive of maps.
1944 Human Migration Map - Jamie Woods
This is a beautiful map made for the New York Sunday News in August of 1944. It charts what was believed to be the path of human migration in prehistoric and historic times. The map is wrong, as it does not correctly identify Africa as the continent where humans first arose. Our scientific knowledge has changed so much and so has our perception of the world. I love how this map identifies how humans are forever learning and changing our views. Thank you for your website and its ability to show this major change in human history: how we see the world we live in.
Map of Long Island - Alex Farman-Farmaian
Cape Cod: Barnstable County Massachusetts - 1931 - Kate Keenan

Hi David, my name is Kate Keenan and I study Psychology at Williams.
I chose a map of Cape Cod because I grew up going here in the summer and I have great memories with my family in many of these towns. I like this map in particular because it uses a beautiful blue color for the ocean that contrasts with the land, and I think that the towns and ships are depicted in great detail which I appreciate. There are many artistic elements that caught my eye on this map.
Thanks for everything that you have done for the map community!;lc:RUMSEY~8~1&mi=20&trs=99#
Township Map of Florida-Associated Railway Land Dept of Florida-1890-Ben McGraw
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